Sunday 17 April 2011

VBAC- Vaginal Birth After a C/Section

Ok, this is the second time I've written this story as I just accidentally erased this story.

I worked with an ND at his large naturopathic clinic. I had apprenticed with him for about 6 months before I was ready to practice ( I had already apprenticed with another midwife for a yr). In those yrs (9) I did a huge amount of births. We both shared the opinion that all women could give birth vaginally unless there was a true pathological reason. If we had a woman came in preg and she had health problems he would help heal them and I would deliver them (old words). Very few women got turned down.
I had already done many vbacs, and I was asked to come to a mom's group to talk about birth @ home. Lots of questions were asked, especially one woman. She pulled me aside after the group and told me her story (she just wanted to be listened to) She had gone for a home birth and after pushing for 4 hrs with no progress, she was transported to the hospital- they let her push for another 4 hrs, before her c/section after 8 hrs of pushing. 3 yrs later she was still angry and crying. She wanted a home vbac. She had been turned down by every other midwife in our town. As usual, we took care of many women that other midwives turned down. She begged me to take her. I had to think about it and I would call her to let her know. I prayed about it ( she was off the chart as acceptability of a home birth and we would have to present a good reason to take her if I ever ended up transporting her to the hospital). I felt a peace about her birth, but I had a funny feeling about her pregnancy and hoped we would get through it. I went to my doc and we discussed her, and played the devils advocate with each other about taking her case. We both decided to take her. I called her and she was VERY happy.
She came into the clinic for prenatal and all was well until her pap results came in. She had cervical cancer ! Wow, this was my first cancer case-but not my last. She and her husband were devastated. We sent her to our doc gyn- he sent her to an Atlanta cancer hospital.( remember that funny feeling I had?)  It was found to be a non aggressive cancer, she was treated and sent home to give birth. She was happy as a clam- she possibly got rid of cancer and was going to give birth at home.

 We had talked about her post traumatic birth experience, and got many things cleared up. OH, by the way she had had a 7lb baby with the c/sec.

That winter we had several snow blizzards leaving TONS of snow. In between it was 30 and 40 below. The whole town was snowed in. Of course she would pick this day to go into labor ( I use my own formula with certain herbs to make labors go quicker and easier). She had taken her herbs faithfully and was quite excited.

I was mainly concerned at how I was suppose to get there. She only lived a mile away from me, but it might as well be 100 miles with all this snow!  Finally I got there( I had a very good car and great tires)but I had to walk into her subdivision with my birth bags- I walked about 3 blocks. Now, I am very short, so the snow was up to my waist. And I had to go back to the car twice.
Labor was going quickly and she already had my birth chair set up- as I had taken it there before. I checked her and she was 8cm and 100% effaced. She had called her husband an hour ago, and he was on his way.
I can picture her in that chair with a huge grin, her and I were going to do this alone. We had melded so much together over the months of her care, that we both felt as though we were one body.
That wonderful woman pushed for one hr and as her baby's head was crowning her husband came into the room- took off this mittens, blew on his hands and caught their son who was 8 1/2 lbs.
That was one lucky baby, his mom had earned him and her wonderful birth that she wanted. With laughter, joy and determination she gave birth. She was my hero.

Here are some great V.B.A.C. links for further reading

More links for VBAC information

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