Sunday 17 April 2011

An Amazing Breech

Several yrs ago, I had a couple come to me for care. I accepted them, and all of the preg. health was normal. This was their first baby.
About 2 wks before her due date, baby turned breech. Baby wouldn't turn for anything, and I do mean we tried everything. We talked at length about vaginal breeches.
She called me and reported her water bag broke, but no contractions. I gave her the usual cautions for PROM. But about 18 hrs later there was still  no contractions. I went to her house (in another state) and did a vaginal to see what was going on. Baby presented with one set of toes. We again talked. They decided to go ahead with the breech vaginal  birth. We got her labor going, and it didn't take long. She started feeling pushy, but I didn't want her to push until she was complete. Once she got to 10 there were now a foot in her vagina.
I had her sit on the end of the cushions on a love seat. She started pushing with great effort- she had been ready for a bit. One foot pops out. The other knee was presenting. So I gently reached in an got the knee changed to present with the foot.
That legs came quickly out. Mom pushed again, the hips came out. But now I see baby is completely posterior. Not what I want, so I gently turn baby anterior (like butter). The waist with cord present, and I make the usual  lift so that more cord could come out. Baby quickly came to it's nape of neck. And with the position mom was in Baby's head came quickly out when I gently lifted her body upward. All took please within 7 minutes. When baby was completely out, mom reached for her baby. My assistant took a picture with a digital camera. I looked at it later, and the picture was the baby looking at mom and dad
with the biggest smile.
It was perfect.
Not bad for a primip, late 30's posterior footling breech!
what joy !

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