Sunday 17 April 2011

the 2nd Birth in Bermuda

Thanks for reading the birth I just posted.
But here's another.
The Doula that I spoke about in the last birth, got together the next day just to hang out at a park together. She got a call from her next doula birth. It was to be a hospital birth and they wanted to know when they should go to the hospital as she was having some contractions The mom had a question- she had herpes for many yrs and she wanted someone to come to her home to look and see if there was an outbreak. Doula said well, I just happen to be hanging out with a midwife. Do you want to talk with her? The mom and I talked and she asked if I could come and look. No problem, because if she had an outbreak she feared she would end up with a c/sec.
We got there about a 1/2 later. There was no outbreak and her contractions were every 2 minutes and appeared to be strong. Mom asked if I could check her so they could get ready to go to the hospital. She was 3 cm. As I talked to her the contractions slowed way down, and I suggested that she try Benadryl to relax her for some sleep. I've seen this lots of times. As we left the benadryl had worked and she was realxing. We left and the doula stated that she was just a call away, and we had to run and errand for me and she was taking me home.
No sooner did we run the errand ( 30-45 minutes later), the dad called and said the contractions had started again and she was in the tub. I told Sophia, lets go back and see what's going on, and if she needed to go to the hospital with them, I would catch a bus home. We get there and I hear the sounds, I knew that sound, she's wanting to push !  Sophia had several items in her doula kit, gloves one cord clamp and several underpads. OK folks. I explained what was going on, and they were probably not going to make it to the hospital. The couple talked it over, and it didn't take much for them to say we're going to stay here and have the baby, if you've here with us. We called a doc who would bring me some items- ok we're going for it. After pushing in many positions mom finally found squatting with her husband and Sophia supporting her gave birth to a 9lb 5 oz baby boy. The doc had hung out in the living room and came in a few minutes later. Baby needed to be rubbed up as he was a bit stunned. He started to cry and I gave him Ant. tart ( homeopathic) and his lungs started clearing up.
Mom and dad were blown away, laughing, cooing to baby, and grinning like fools. It was great ! Mom told me later, that being from England she wanted a home birth, but because there were no midwives in Bermuda she was resigned to go to the hosptial. Dad flat out was not expecting a home birth.

They both loved it, and will now give birth at home to all their future babies. 2 birth in 24 hrs
This moms labor was about 3 hrs. Have fun today someone is being born right now.

This birth was published in Midwifery Today Magazine

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