Sunday 17 April 2011

A Healing Birth

A new baby is in the world as of yesterday.
I went to another state for a birth- one that no one else would do.
Mom had 2 previous c/sections. and has Lupus.
She  contacted me about 2 months ago, told me her story and said no one would help her with a vaginal birth. She told me everything about her prev births, health and her fears. Her OB told her 2 months ago that he wanted to do another C/section 4 wk early because the baby was "small". She's a vegan because of her Lupus ( I have this also and going vegan helps with our pain level) and many vegan preg women have smaller baby's.
In the several wks before birth, I watched as her B/p was going up a bit the longer she was preg. So 4 days after her Edd I suggested we needed to get things going. We could do homeopathic Caul. She was more than ready to birth soon.
She prepped herself with EPO and my Uterine Toner remedy. And the 2nd of Sept she started labor. Dilated to 10cm rather quickly. But at complete she had no pushing urge and baby's head was asynclitic. After an hr of waiting, her being in pain and being tired, she took a nap for several hours. After she woke up she said" I'm thinking better and I feel more rested now. The baby had repositioned his own head during her rest.
 Still no urge and her b/p was on the rise. She hurt and she still had that nagging feeling that it was too much and she couldn't do it.
 I knew she could, she had come this far and her pelvis is great. I also had first hand of her stubbornness and knew she -- DID NOT WANT TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
I stimulated the urge  to push for her, by gently/firmly pressing on some deep vaginal muscles, and she started feeling the pressure.
After 1 1/2 hrs of pushing she gave birth to her son. Her husband was scared, not comfortable with seeing his wife in pain, and really didn't want to "see anything"  at the birth ended up in a great position as she squatted, to see the birth of his son.

She didn't believe that her son was born,  as she had been hearing me say "soon, soon,the baby's coming down" But when she really looked indeed there was a baby boy .

I'm so glad I do what I do.
It brings healing to families many of them who didn't have hope for a vaginal birth.
Much love to you all

Hope you like my pictures

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