Sunday 17 April 2011

" Feeling Funny "

Ok, I promised more birth stories that I did years ago.

I had a lady who gave birth with me when she was in her late teens. The boyfriend had left her, and her family sure wasn't happy.

I can't remember why she chose a home birth, but she got one.
Her labor wasn't very long and she did great. She had problems with breastfeeding. My friend was a LLL leader and I asked her if this young woman could stay in her downstairs spare room, and tend to her breastfeeding and nurture her. This friend of mine did a wonderful job.

Ok 4 yrs later this young woman got married and was pregnant again. We had another great short birth. But what I noticed as she had more babies is that she really didn't register any pain. I asked he what was going on, and she said she just didn't feel much in her labor.  Hummmm
At several of her births her and husband were living at a ski resort about 50 miles away.
One day she called me and said she thought she was in labor. I drove as fast as I could-fast, but it was very cold (Alaska) and the road was filled with falling boulders of ice and snow.
I finally get there and dad opens the door and said "baby's already here" I had thought he was kidding as dad's often do- but mom was sitting on the floor with a newborn that had just been born. So I missed the birth!
When talking to her she said she really didn't feel anything and wasn't even sure she was in labor all the way through. She just "felt funny". OKKKKK.
The next birth was planned for a summer birth. Because of her feeling funny, we decided to induce her so I would be there. By the way all of her baby's were at least 9 lbs.
That day I came out to her home and started her induction_ very simple with herb or homeopathics. About an hr later, she said "I just felt down there and I think I'm starting to feel a head" So there on the edge of her bed in the small loft in a small log cabin she gave birth to her 10lb baby.
I think I did 5 births for her. She and her husband were sweeties.

Since her birth I have come across several other moms who "just feel funny" . I love them
See you later

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