Sunday 17 April 2011

Between two midwives

About 4 yrs ago I accepted a primip client/family at 36 wks because her other midwife didn't have enough experience with women who have Lupus (like I have). I had her stop doing all the supplements she was on and greatly lowered the amount of protein she had her on. (high protein can cause over strained kidneys which is bad for our Lupus kidneys).
She felt much better and we proceeded to a hopefully easy birth.
The original midwife (use to be a student of mine) asked if she could still be a part of this moms preg/birth. We all agreed.
However, as time went on the other midwife proved to be unreliable. She couldn't be reached by phone for about 3 wks. So, the mother and I were arranging for my student at the time come for her prenatal and the birth.  When the original midwife when she found out blew a gasket. Claiming I took over and was going to take over the whole case. Well that's why she asked me to take over this case.

Well readers,
The client had to terminate care with the original and become my client so 1. I would get paid my fees as well as I took over her care as I had more experience, and 2. I wanted the mom to follow my instructions so I could help her have a safe birth as I had more experience with lupus women ( Too many cooks!)

The client and husband lost great amount of faith in the other midwife. But they finally said yes she could come but as my assistant.

This mom lived in another state and I would go to her sometimes and the other times she would come to my birth center. Very nice couple, well educated, and they were so eager to see their little boy.
She went into labor and I drove to her home. Checked her and she was about 6cm, 100 % and her uterine contractions were now starting to come stronger. She had taken my Uterine Toner. I called and the other midwife got there quickly.

Mom intended to give birth in the tub, that the other midwife had dropped off.
She got into the tub and birthed and pushed her baby out easily ( in my experience).
Once baby was on the mom's chest the other midwife began to very aggressively bulb syringe the baby. I thought she was going to hit the vagel nerve so I finally said that's enough, leave him alone.

Now this baby who was quietly looking around, is now so stressed he's screaming. He screamed non stop for the next 4 days.
I gave him several homoeopathics that should have worked but didn't. He was so stressed that when I began to do a newborn exam on him I stopped because I couldn't finish.
He looked and acted normal so I did the exam 2 days later. We put him and mommy in a dark room and let them sleep and nurse for 4 days. I came and saw him and her, but he was very stressed still, dad couldn't hold him, no one could touch him without him absolutely scream is heart out. Over load!!!!
He finally started to join the world when he was a bout a wk old, and even then you had to be very gentle and slow and not talk.
Wonderful labor and birth. Mom did great postpartum. But the little boy.. well.
I had aways protected my moms and babies, but this was so strange that I couldn't believe some one would be that aggressive. She still didn't get it. She came and saw the parents and baby about 1 or 2 wks later.
A lesson to be learned is if another midwife is helping at a birth please find out what her agenda is. If you say she's the baby's caregiver make sure your comfortable with what she does. If she doing mom, the same thing goes.
I think she was mad, and or just not paying attention, because I'd never seen her do this before. And please remember that you can do your job right without traumatizing mom or baby.
I'm not blaming her specifically just was surprised.
Cover all your bases.
Yours truly

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