Thursday 8 December 2011

Peruvian baby

A woman and her husband came to my birth center with no appointment.
They were both quite shy and spoke little English. I found out they were from Peru and they were looking for a Midwife to attend their baby's birth.
Although the dad, I'll call him Albert was very shy, he did have a fairly good grasp of our language.
I got one of my Mennonite translators/assistants to help fill in the gaps for the things I needed to know.
This new couple were very accomplished in their country and held very high paying proffesional jobs.
They did menial jobs here in the USA.
Mom told me she was a high rank OB nurse for a famous hospital in their capitol.
They were a very sweet couple, he of average height and weight, she was maybe 4'7" and very petiet.
This was their first baby and they wanted to give birth at my birth center and they were very much looking forward to this upcoming birth. Many babies are born at home or maternity centers in Peru, and although she was an OB nurse they didn't want that experience for them.
Maria was quite healthy and I didn't forsee any complications with her birth, there was usually a worried look on her face. They and I had a good relationship and found much to laugh and enjoy about working with each other. Like many Hispanic people in my practice they were anxious to teach me their language. Much of the laughing was about my spanish speaking, but they were delighted that I was honoring them by trying.
In the last 2 months of her pregnancy Maria admitted to me she was worried about her birth. Not about "the pain" or anything else, just she hoped that her baby wasn't too big to come out.
Oh no, Did our American ways travel that far to Peru? She told me about the Peruvian hospitals nurses and Doctors.
Most Peruvian people are on the smaller size, and so end up with smaller baby's. (3 to 5lb range)
She was worried because Albert came from another Peruvian area that "grew bigger people", and she was worried that because he was of "big"average height her baby would be TOO big.
Nothing I could say helped her get rid of her fears.
One day, she was there for a prenatal visit and we had a heart to heart talk. She said she believed in GOD and she knew GOD had lead her to me. I thanked her for that, but I went on to ask her did she truly believe? She looked at me like I was crazy, but I told her that GOD was perfect right? She said yes, and I went on to tell her that in his wisdom he allowed women to give birth to the babies those mothers grew. That a woman that ate good foods and was healthy gave birth to healthy babies. If GOD was wrong then his people would have died many years ago because none of those babies could have come out, and instead there are millions of us on the earth.
Maria sat there for a few minutes until she started smiling and said she had never thought of it that way, and perhaps I was right.
She went on to tell me that the way the Peruvian Doctors and nurses felt like if they screamed and treated their laboring women horrible that those women simply would hurry up and give birth.  I couldn't believe it. How horrible is that??
I explained I wasn't like that, and that we were there to help her and Albert give birth. In fact we really didn't help unless there was a problem. I explained that because my translator and I knew she could give birth we just let her do what her body told her what to do, that I basically was there to "catch" her baby.
She asked if I would yell at her and I said NO WAY. I told her she could have her favorite music or anything else she could think of to make her happy in labor. She asked me if she could drink mate and I said yes and that she could eat also.
Her and Albert several months later came to me in labor and they did wonderful. She walked for most of the short labor and when she felt like she wanted to push she acted confused and didn't want to push. She tried standing, squatting, laying on her side, you name it we tried, but nothing worked. She wouldn't really even try to push.
Albert took me aside after about 45 minutes and said she wanted to give birth in one of the exam rooms. Ok, I thought, but why and then I remembered my exam table and the stirrups. I personally thought that was weird, but heck why not.
We moved her and everything else and she loved it and pushed her baby out within 15 minutes.She was so ready to push.
Maria and Albert gave birth to a 7lb 6 oz baby girl!
During that labor she would occasionally ask me if I was sure this baby could come out and I always smiled and said yes.
Maria and Albert came to all their postpartum and baby visits and she was very proud her baby was growing so big on her breast milk. It was a badge of honor for her to show the world she grew this daughter of hers.
When they came over to see me when the baby was 6 months old, we weighed her and she was 20 lbs and I told Maria she was going to have to quite carrying the girl and the baby carry her because she was getting so big! We all got a good laugh about that one.

Sunday 12 June 2011

My 2nd birth ever- baptism by fire

Some first births of a new Midwife can be so teaching, so foretelling, so scary that we call them baptism by fire.
This birth proved to be mine. It didn't say that I shouldn't be a Midwife but that I was there/here for a reason, get my act together and do what I needed to do, without hesitation.

My 2nd birth without any other Midwife or doc, I had a new apprentice.

I was working with an ND. and he was confident that I could do any birth, thank goodness.
Mom and dad were both over 6 feet tall, this was their 5th baby and both were EMT's. Both very experienced in "catching babies" and having intense situations in emergencies. I'm glad at who they were. However, looking back on it, it should have been a clue for me as they spoke of many of the intense situations they had been through together in the medical field.

In her pregnancy she had told me about her placentas "being ripped out of her" and that she had "bled a bit" with each of them. This is a clue !
I spoke alot of being prepared for birth and letting it happen. They were both excited about this home birth. They had always wanted to birth at home but them being in the military always seemed to interfere with their wishes.
We discussed her options of letting the placenta detach on it's own and that it could take awhile, but that we "probably won't see a large bleed". I have learned to not be that specific anymore.

She went into labor and was going rather quickly, so I was anxious about going on a military base as they had told me home births are not allowed.
Got lost so I got flagged by an MP who gave me the right info, he noticed the bags in the back and asked me why were we going to someones house at 3 am on a military base? I told him the truth, he thought it was weird, but when he tried to delay me I asked him if he wanted to help me "catch" this baby and he let me go quickly.

Anyway, we get there, and dad helped get our stuff in their house. Oh, by the way it was in the winter so it was about 30-40 below. So once I got my glasses frost free and could hear and see that indeed she is in labor. It was then that I got introduced to their priest. My brain exploded- like why do we have a priest here? I understand wanting prayers for the birth- but it was a clue.

Mom is doing great and is now in transition, she's decided to be on the sofa couch- pulled out into a bed in the living room and that would leave any noise downstairs so we wouldn't wake up their other daughters.
All of a sudden her water bag broke and it consists of water and much blood. Baby has sounded great with the Doppler, but this is clearly an abruption and a large one! In the background I hear the priest praying VERY LOUDLY. (Let me tell you for years if I had an intense birth, my hearing would go funny and I could only hear my own thought process going on) but I also heard him. I was past scared as this was the first abruption I'd ever seen and I knew this one was bad.

Wonderfully, the baby's head came quickly as I tell mom to push, and baby just needed a bit of stimulation, so I hand baby to mom and dad and here comes a waterfall of blood. Literally like a water fountain. My brain is screaming (I am very calm at births though).
Cord goes flaccid in a matter of seconds and with all the other clues that was another huge one that just confirms the abruption and there was no more oxygen supply, however the placenta is not coming out.
Mom and dad are still talking and dad looks over and sees the continued waterfall of blood. He goes a bit pale.
All I can think of is to get that uterus shut down, so my apprentice had already drawn up pitocin and methergine, I give her instructions to give them to mom as I take my hand out of mom. I was going to do my first manual removal of this woman's placenta.
There is sticky blood everywhere in my path so I grabbed the cord and followed it up inside mom, I warned mom she would feel my hand go in her. I found the placenta (or what I thought had to be the placenta- warm mushy mound of tissue.There were lots of clots inside and I would just squeeze them out on my path up. Somehow my hands knew what they were doing, and when I reached the placenta, my hands just started to loosen the tissue from the wall. As, I did this slowly I knew I was doing the right thing because her uterus was slowly reacting to what I was doing. As I got it all out, the whole placenta slid right out and her uterus started closing down. I went all throught the uterus again making sure I didn't leave anything else in there and it was feeling cleaner and much more room now everything was out including the huge clots. I told my apprecntice and she gave the shots. That uterus was very firm now.
Now, my hearing is coming back and I continue hearing the preist and look at him and he and everyone in the room looks white. Everyone saw how much blood she lost. I didn't think to call the EMT's cause I was busy taking care of mom. I knew if I didn't do what I did I could have lost her.
There was no more bleeding, I tried to figure out how much blood she lost, but with what I came up with, she would have lost all her blood, so I knew I was off. She looked very pale but she and husband refused to go in for a transport for blood loss. Dad started an IV on her to get fluid in her and we kept her warm and monitored her vitals for the next 24 hrs. In my mind she was going to drop dead any minute, so I did what the priest did- pray and went over everything I did.
I checked her hematricrit and she was VERY low, parents still refused to go in.
So, meanwhile I had called my ND and asked him for advice. I said transport and I let him know the parents wishes. So he let me know all the homeopathics and suppliments to get in her to allow her to heal quicker. She and I did everything he told us to do. and within a week her hemoglobin was up to 9.
Her 2 week postapartum visit she came to the clinic, I couldn't believe she was up walking, let alone pink and talking and breastfeeding her baby.

Did this birth teach me, sure and alot. I learned how to look for clues that around the room, clues she's giving. Take in everything.
Was this birth dangerous? Yes, the top thing in the world that causes women to die in postpartum is bleeding to death.
It was something I was suppose to see and do, scared the you know what out of me, so I have a healthy respect for the unexpected realities of birth.
I don't think birth is dangerous, but I think people and Midwives need to know these things can happen. Rarely, but they do.
I think that she had scar tissue built up in her uterus from "ripping out other placenta's before they were ready", I'm not sure if it caused this horrendous bleed, but I do believe it played a part in it.
Could it have been a precreta, or acreta placenta, no. They usually don't bleed like this.
I just knew in my head that I had every chance of changing how things were going by getting that placenta OUT.
I didn't want to do any births for a bit, but don't you know the next time I got a call I went,

Saturday 30 April 2011

Two births in 2 days

Update on this post.

I have had many births on the same day.
It seems that I have had months when I have had up to 4 births per day.
They were all short labors, but of course they were all far away from each other.

One time, it was my 5th in less than 36 hrs,
my client lived a block away and she woke up needing to push. I ran to her house with my bag, ok, once I got there I realized I had my  pajamas on !!!
After the birth, the parents laughed and teased me about it. They had a lovely very fast labor and birth.

Not a long story.
About 25 years ago, I had 2 VERY different births outcomes.
Earlier in the day I "caught" a full term 4lb baby boy, later I went to another house to catch another baby boy: he was 14lbs !

Similar births, wonderful births, one I caught with one hand, the other I felt like I needed a crane !

I have a (yes, old) video of the first one.
The only difference in these births was
the smaller perfectly formed baby was born to a family of people in several generations were less than 5'2 and all had small babies.

The other family of the bigger baby were all over 6'4.
I felt like that baby and I were the smallest in the house
What a day.
I think I walked around with a silly grin on my face.
Have a silly day!

Sunday 17 April 2011

Odd things

Births can bring many interesting situations.
I had a 48 yr old mom Gravid 18 Para 12. Had had all her other babies @ the hosp, never a problem, no complaints. A good friend of hers suggested she come and see me and that she might like a birth center birth. She became my client.
She was great to get along with and had a huge span of childrens ages.
She goes into labor on time, birth was pretty normal.
Out comes this little( 5lbs) baby girl who had to be stimulated, but came around quickly. I kept looking at this child and thinking she looked "different", but the newborn exam was normal. Her color looked odd. She looked like this old, old book paper, that old weak yellow, tan color. But parents thought she was perfect. She nursed fine. I sent them home cause I couldn't think of a reason to send the baby to a doc. Mom brought her in for her baby checkups and I noticed baby had that same color and she didn't have much weight gain. I was seeing this baby every wk, Mom insitsted baby was fine. I did ask mom to take baby to her pediatrician. Came back next wk and said he told her everything was fine, but mom did notice baby also wasn't gaining much. Finally I told mom, "somethings really wrong ,please take her back to the doc". Again all they did was suggest mom supplement with some formula.
I was ok with that becasue this baby did not look ok. I saw the mom again and baby still wasn't gaining any weight. I called her several days later ( by now mom was getting worried.) and talked to her about this. About a week later mom left a message at the clinic that they were at a Denver hosp. I called back and mom told me they still weren't sure what was wrong. Several days later she called and said they discovered the baby had " giant idopathic red blood cells- the baby had a liver disorder. ! How bizarre ! I had sent her records to the Neonatologist and spoke to her at length about moms care and baby's care. Mom had had a water birth and the doc said she always wondered about those births, I explained why and how and she says" that makes sense"
Anyway, she commended  that she was pleased that I pushed the mom to persue investingating babys health issue. She found no contrubuting factors of mom under my care- in fact she said even the hospital was having a hard time figuring out that there was even a problem other that the odd color and no weight gain. She also later told me that there was nothing that could have been tested for or done differently  even if it was a hosp birth, and that because there was no real stress on this baby in labor and at the birth, her liver didn't get even more stressed out.  She suggested that perhaps it was the best thing that little girl was born out of the hospital. Mom had  never had any type of liver problems or disorders or any illnesses in pregnancy, the docs didn't even know how this could have happened.
I'd say that's odd.

See you later

TWINS ,Yes- it can be done at home

Ok, I promised some older births that I have done.
My first set  of twins came as quite the surprise. I had done quite a few other babies for this couple, so it didn't surprise me when they called again. They had 7 children already.
Everything was going well until about 30 wks gest. She claimed she was feeling more movement with this one, but then recanted and said "well maybe not", she wasn't measuring all that much different than her other babies. But her previous babies were 9 to 10lbs. When I palpated her belly I could only feel one, and could only find one heartbeat. I asked her several times over the rest of her pregnancy if she wanted a sonogram and she kept saying no. She had sonos in her other pregnancies.
She did require more rest but we put it up to that this was her 8th pregnancy/birth.
She went into labor as usual. She doesn't have long labors, as she took my Uterine Toner that I sell. I don't remember being there for very long before she got to 10 cm. She didn't feel like pushing, so we just hung around, while she walked and her husband, her and I talked. I think some of the kids were in the living room also. About an hour later I said "Mary, why don't we go into the bedroom and try a push or two. She agreed, however this time she wanted to squat for the birth. We got the floor ready. She squatted and pushed and about 10 minutes later out come this perfect little girl. A bit smaller than her others, but again, we weren't really paying that much attention. We got her up on the edge of the bed to wait for the placenta and she got to love on this new one. I and my student got them settled and I went in to the bathroom to take off my gloves and wash up. About 5 minutes later, my student said "Ahhh, Sherri I think you need to come back in here!" I came back in to the bedroom and saw a bag of water coming out of Mary and I though "What the heck?"
I broke the bag with my fingers and saw a little head ! I start to chuckle but I can't form the words and I said "Mary, I need you to squat again" She said curiously "ok" and she squatted. Oh, by the way we had cut the cut a few minutes before on the first baby. I'm kind of underneath her and she says "Sherri why am I squatting?" I tell her "cause there's another baby" and she kinda laughs, her husband is blown away. And I asked her to push, out comes another little girl ! We are all just awe struck but laughing. The girls were 17 minutes apart.
When it came to the placenta : it looked like 2 placentas with another placenta like looking thing all fused together. When I inspected it, the only thing that separated them was a membrane. Two cords and 2 placentas fused into one very big placenta. Very curious. Both girls weighed about 7 lbs each. Turns out the girls are identical mirror twins. Quite rare as I understand.
Any way, the parents were very glad we didn't have a sonogram.
 I went around with a silly grin for about a month. She breastfeed those babies for about a year. They were now a family of 9 children in a matter of a few hours. I was so proud of her.

Soon to come other twins and a surprise set of triplets born in the water.

My 2nd BREECH- 30 years AGO.

A young professional couple in their 30's came to our clinic for prenatal care in the early 1980's. After dealing with her tremendous nausea and vomiting was helped a great deal with Homeopathic remedies, her pregnancy went as normal as can be. Lovely couple, looking forward to their new child birthing at home.
She calls me one night and said she was sure she was in labor, described it and indeed I agreed to come quickly as it should like she was already close to transition. It was very cold  and snowy that night in Anchorage.
 I went over and she was sitting on the toilet. Her water bag had just broke right before I got there. As dad and I were setting up the room,  in a very loud voice my client asked "Is it normal to have black stuff  coming out of my vagina?" as was showing me the toilet paper with  Black poop !
What does that mean, girls and boys?
Yes, frank breech baby.                
This was my 2nd one by myself.

I had let them know I had only done 1 other breech and that was a surprise hospital birth, the surprise was I caught  the baby with just mom and dad in the room. That baby had just slid right out.

We discuss the pros and cons, true informed consent, warning them of my lack of experience with breech. Parents and I pray about it. They decided to go ahead with the home birth. I call my back up doc  give him the info, he said politically he needed to tell me not to do it and to transport- I explained that I thought she was going quickly and wasn't sure we would get there. I had brought one assistant who had never attended a breech birth, so I called an RN who has said she attended many breech births in huts in Viet Nam in the 1970's as I thought she would be able to help me. She only lived a block away and she got there quickly.
All was going well, mom was dilating quickly. and quickly got the 10 and was begging to push but I  was taught to check cervix and make sure it was all gone before "allowing mom to push" I brought her bottom to the end of the bed.
 His body started out as anterior and quickly rotated to complete posterior and I never saw this in the "text books" so I knew he had to turn. I gently rotated him to anterior position. Now I realized his arms were above his head, I waited for them to come out, but everything slowed down, all I could think of was to reach above his head, one arm was twisted behind his head, but ended up sweeping them across his chest one at a time to bring out his little arms to his waist. Wow, I thought ok any time he's just going to fly out.
I did at some point gave her a large episiotomy, mediolateral that required a hosp repair, it did give me more room to maneuver my hand but did nothing to bring him out. I let him dangle with hands off until again he was not moving out any further, He came out to his mouth and I realized his head was coming out asynclitic-off centered. All I could think was to get o2 on him so I had my assistant place the tube by his nose mouth. Now, all of a sudden I realized his head did not flex downward with his chin pointed downward on his chest. So he was trying to come out with his head not coming down correctly. I had a thought that popped into my head, either I read it somewhere or what, I asked her to hang on one more time as I was going to place 2 fingers in her rectum. She just wanted her baby out to make sure he was ok.
As I place my fingers I could feel his forehead coming out wrong, so I flexed his forehead downward so his chin now repositioned to his chest, I felt it release the trapping of his head and out he came.

I gave him a few seconds and knew he was stunned, he had a great heartbeat as he did through out the labor. I gave him a puff with the bag resuscitator and he got a big lung full of oxygen and cried.  Mom and dad grabbed for him and cried with joy and anticipation.

I felt weary but joyous that he finally came out and looked great. His body was nice and pink but his head was pale white. The RN now started freaking out, saying something was wrong with him, and the fact his legs were folder up above his head. She quietly called the EMT's when she went into the other room.
By the time they got there the baby was nursing well, so parents refused a transport.
The RN continued to freak out, and mom started bleeding heavily as she forgot her own self and all her thought were on her baby,because the Rn had totally scared her. for her and the "baby". I told her I thought baby was just fine, but perhaps the RN knew something I wasn't aware of. I used everything to stop her heavy bleeding but as her lips now started to get pale, I told them I thought a transport was needed, as she was going to need an extensive repair. I apologized for having invited the RN, thinking she was going to be of help but instead in some ways showed me she didn't know much about breeches and said I thought she was fine we just needed extra help. That was the first time I transported for a PP hemorrhage.

We went in and I was greeted by my least favorite OB, He was an older German Dr with a heavy accent. He was quite scary, and bullied everyone. He asked me what happened and why did we stay home. I told him the truth. He lightened up and  said well, lets see about her repair. He looked at baby and the color of his head and said" his head was fine, it had gotten squeezed and it would soon get pink. He got a Pediatrician to check him out.
Mom did end up loosing quite a bit of blood and was required to stay in the hospital for several days. I knew she was upset that we ended up in the hospital, so she allowed me to do minimal care for them.  Both her and the baby's dad later thanked me for doing so much, they just couldn't get over being so scared by the RN. I was so sad, as I knew they  might regret  having a breech at home at that time. This boy is now a man and he should be about 30 now.

I almost stopped being a Midwife because of this birth. There was so many lies that came out through the hospital personnel, thus going through the community. I did much praying and re- evaluating the way I practiced.

I have done many breeches since and I believe that the first complicated breech helped me with all the other breeches I have attended. I believe that all Midwives and Docs need the training, because you never know what you could walk into.
Do I think all breeches are safe at home? No. Do I think all Midwives should be doing breeches? No. I think you have to have a strong trust that birth usually works just fine, women have unbelievable strength and that we should be ready for everything that could happen. For most of us that do attend breeches have chosen to do so, learning extra skills and are ready to do anything that is needed to have a safe birth. Know to transport when things aren't working, if you have the time. In my experiences breech labors are quite quick.

But I am a firm believer that most breeches can turn out just great out of the hospital. Do I think there should be a breech experienced person there to help? you bet! Do I do breeches now? Yes, but the parents are very well educated about the possibilities. I have done frank breech, complete breeches,  a knee presentation about 60 miles from a hospital-that was a complete surprise. and many footlings some presenting in twins. Several 2nd babies turning complete transverse, and required  maneuvering  then to footling, All of these breech baby's have come out successfully and none of these mothers or baby's needed to be transported for problems.

 My mom was a footling breech at home in 1933, with an old country doc on a kitchen table in Michigan.

Beginning my Travelling Midwifery

Well, I'm moving to Oregon in 3 wks for good.
I already took most of my clinic and home things up there already, but still have another small load to take up there. Glad I am getting away from New Mexico.They say they are midwifery friendly but they are not !
One of my new adventures is I will be doing traveling Midwifery to other areas for women who don't have midwives in their area or who want VBAC's in non supportive areas.

Traveling Midwife

Ok, I am now a traveling midwife, and I love it. I'll probably do this for at least several yrs. This way I can offer midwifery home births for people who don't have supportive midwives in their area for their births.
I flew to Bermuda on May 13 and I landed on a very beautiful island. There are no midwives there as it is illegal. The minute I landed I felt right at home like I've lived there forever.
Last winter I had been hired by a couple who wanted a home birth. Their first child was born in Canada, a transported home birth to the hospital for meconium staining. They were fine with it, but this time they wanted to try for a home birth again. I got to know the couple well as well as her family, as I was living upstairs with her mom and dad. So by the time she gave birth, it definitely was the whole family who organized the home birth. I was so grateful that Mom and I talked about not being attached to the experience of the birth, in other words she let go of all of her worries, wishes and was willing to just let the birth happen without allowing her brain take over or worry she might not get a home birth. It would be what it was.
She stayed at 3cm to 5cm for about a wk or so. She woke up in the am knowing something was going on. They got their son together to go of with Granny B for the day.
Real active labor started@ 10 am. I checked her and she was 7cm 100%.  She was in good humor but you could tell where her brain was. Dad was excited, and I'm excited for the both of them. Her last birth had been about 6 hrs total- but for some reason as I'm watching her, it seemed as though something was off with this birth. She got in the birth tub, only to have her contractions slow and almost stop after about 1/2 hr in tub. I had her get back out and things started picking up. I checked her again and she was 9cm, and feeling pushy. But after  1/2 hr to 45 mins her contractions slowed to nothing. I gave her a homeopathic to get her going again. It kind of did something but not much. She got out of tub again, and was walking with her husband. She labored for awhile and all pushing urge went away. I checked her one more time, because now I suspect a head malposition, and indeed it was confirmed that she was now 7 cm and baby was coming down asynclitic. Baby was trying to come out with the right side of it's head, and it wasn't working. So, mom and dad and I talked about what was going on, baby sounded great so I started to try to reposition baby's head. Now, gals, it's not pain free with almost a full hand in you with a head down there also, but you can cope with it fairly easy and it's better than a vacuum birth or c/section. At this point we are on the tile floor, of course with all of our paper padding. Mom, dad and I are all entwined with our legs to birth this baby-so we all felt like we birthed this baby. Baby was trying to help me, but just as I got the head position right, it would turn right back to the old position. Mom now has her head under the bed, and I burst into laughter at the picture of the three of us. Mom keep up her energy and after an hr of pushing finally the head is crowning, I grabbed dad's hand and placed it on the head as it emerged, so gently. The head came out, and rotated and mom was ready with open arms. This couple greeted their newborn son, in dim lights on the floor in a cave like room, it was perfect, it was holy.
This is why I'm a midwife.

Side line- several nights before the birth, I had a dream that our wonderful doula was not at the birth and that it would only be the three of us. I told mom, and we just thought about it. The day of the birth the doula came over, all excited at being at another home birth. After being there for 15 minutes, she got a call from a couple who were birthing at the hospital. We told her we were fine and that the other couple really needed her. The dream came true.

with much love, sherri

the 2nd Birth in Bermuda

Thanks for reading the birth I just posted.
But here's another.
The Doula that I spoke about in the last birth, got together the next day just to hang out at a park together. She got a call from her next doula birth. It was to be a hospital birth and they wanted to know when they should go to the hospital as she was having some contractions The mom had a question- she had herpes for many yrs and she wanted someone to come to her home to look and see if there was an outbreak. Doula said well, I just happen to be hanging out with a midwife. Do you want to talk with her? The mom and I talked and she asked if I could come and look. No problem, because if she had an outbreak she feared she would end up with a c/sec.
We got there about a 1/2 later. There was no outbreak and her contractions were every 2 minutes and appeared to be strong. Mom asked if I could check her so they could get ready to go to the hospital. She was 3 cm. As I talked to her the contractions slowed way down, and I suggested that she try Benadryl to relax her for some sleep. I've seen this lots of times. As we left the benadryl had worked and she was realxing. We left and the doula stated that she was just a call away, and we had to run and errand for me and she was taking me home.
No sooner did we run the errand ( 30-45 minutes later), the dad called and said the contractions had started again and she was in the tub. I told Sophia, lets go back and see what's going on, and if she needed to go to the hospital with them, I would catch a bus home. We get there and I hear the sounds, I knew that sound, she's wanting to push !  Sophia had several items in her doula kit, gloves one cord clamp and several underpads. OK folks. I explained what was going on, and they were probably not going to make it to the hospital. The couple talked it over, and it didn't take much for them to say we're going to stay here and have the baby, if you've here with us. We called a doc who would bring me some items- ok we're going for it. After pushing in many positions mom finally found squatting with her husband and Sophia supporting her gave birth to a 9lb 5 oz baby boy. The doc had hung out in the living room and came in a few minutes later. Baby needed to be rubbed up as he was a bit stunned. He started to cry and I gave him Ant. tart ( homeopathic) and his lungs started clearing up.
Mom and dad were blown away, laughing, cooing to baby, and grinning like fools. It was great ! Mom told me later, that being from England she wanted a home birth, but because there were no midwives in Bermuda she was resigned to go to the hosptial. Dad flat out was not expecting a home birth.

They both loved it, and will now give birth at home to all their future babies. 2 birth in 24 hrs
This moms labor was about 3 hrs. Have fun today someone is being born right now.

This birth was published in Midwifery Today Magazine

VBAC- Vaginal Birth After a C/Section

Ok, this is the second time I've written this story as I just accidentally erased this story.

I worked with an ND at his large naturopathic clinic. I had apprenticed with him for about 6 months before I was ready to practice ( I had already apprenticed with another midwife for a yr). In those yrs (9) I did a huge amount of births. We both shared the opinion that all women could give birth vaginally unless there was a true pathological reason. If we had a woman came in preg and she had health problems he would help heal them and I would deliver them (old words). Very few women got turned down.
I had already done many vbacs, and I was asked to come to a mom's group to talk about birth @ home. Lots of questions were asked, especially one woman. She pulled me aside after the group and told me her story (she just wanted to be listened to) She had gone for a home birth and after pushing for 4 hrs with no progress, she was transported to the hospital- they let her push for another 4 hrs, before her c/section after 8 hrs of pushing. 3 yrs later she was still angry and crying. She wanted a home vbac. She had been turned down by every other midwife in our town. As usual, we took care of many women that other midwives turned down. She begged me to take her. I had to think about it and I would call her to let her know. I prayed about it ( she was off the chart as acceptability of a home birth and we would have to present a good reason to take her if I ever ended up transporting her to the hospital). I felt a peace about her birth, but I had a funny feeling about her pregnancy and hoped we would get through it. I went to my doc and we discussed her, and played the devils advocate with each other about taking her case. We both decided to take her. I called her and she was VERY happy.
She came into the clinic for prenatal and all was well until her pap results came in. She had cervical cancer ! Wow, this was my first cancer case-but not my last. She and her husband were devastated. We sent her to our doc gyn- he sent her to an Atlanta cancer hospital.( remember that funny feeling I had?)  It was found to be a non aggressive cancer, she was treated and sent home to give birth. She was happy as a clam- she possibly got rid of cancer and was going to give birth at home.

 We had talked about her post traumatic birth experience, and got many things cleared up. OH, by the way she had had a 7lb baby with the c/sec.

That winter we had several snow blizzards leaving TONS of snow. In between it was 30 and 40 below. The whole town was snowed in. Of course she would pick this day to go into labor ( I use my own formula with certain herbs to make labors go quicker and easier). She had taken her herbs faithfully and was quite excited.

I was mainly concerned at how I was suppose to get there. She only lived a mile away from me, but it might as well be 100 miles with all this snow!  Finally I got there( I had a very good car and great tires)but I had to walk into her subdivision with my birth bags- I walked about 3 blocks. Now, I am very short, so the snow was up to my waist. And I had to go back to the car twice.
Labor was going quickly and she already had my birth chair set up- as I had taken it there before. I checked her and she was 8cm and 100% effaced. She had called her husband an hour ago, and he was on his way.
I can picture her in that chair with a huge grin, her and I were going to do this alone. We had melded so much together over the months of her care, that we both felt as though we were one body.
That wonderful woman pushed for one hr and as her baby's head was crowning her husband came into the room- took off this mittens, blew on his hands and caught their son who was 8 1/2 lbs.
That was one lucky baby, his mom had earned him and her wonderful birth that she wanted. With laughter, joy and determination she gave birth. She was my hero.

Here are some great V.B.A.C. links for further reading

More links for VBAC information

A Healing Birth

A new baby is in the world as of yesterday.
I went to another state for a birth- one that no one else would do.
Mom had 2 previous c/sections. and has Lupus.
She  contacted me about 2 months ago, told me her story and said no one would help her with a vaginal birth. She told me everything about her prev births, health and her fears. Her OB told her 2 months ago that he wanted to do another C/section 4 wk early because the baby was "small". She's a vegan because of her Lupus ( I have this also and going vegan helps with our pain level) and many vegan preg women have smaller baby's.
In the several wks before birth, I watched as her B/p was going up a bit the longer she was preg. So 4 days after her Edd I suggested we needed to get things going. We could do homeopathic Caul. She was more than ready to birth soon.
She prepped herself with EPO and my Uterine Toner remedy. And the 2nd of Sept she started labor. Dilated to 10cm rather quickly. But at complete she had no pushing urge and baby's head was asynclitic. After an hr of waiting, her being in pain and being tired, she took a nap for several hours. After she woke up she said" I'm thinking better and I feel more rested now. The baby had repositioned his own head during her rest.
 Still no urge and her b/p was on the rise. She hurt and she still had that nagging feeling that it was too much and she couldn't do it.
 I knew she could, she had come this far and her pelvis is great. I also had first hand of her stubbornness and knew she -- DID NOT WANT TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.
I stimulated the urge  to push for her, by gently/firmly pressing on some deep vaginal muscles, and she started feeling the pressure.
After 1 1/2 hrs of pushing she gave birth to her son. Her husband was scared, not comfortable with seeing his wife in pain, and really didn't want to "see anything"  at the birth ended up in a great position as she squatted, to see the birth of his son.

She didn't believe that her son was born,  as she had been hearing me say "soon, soon,the baby's coming down" But when she really looked indeed there was a baby boy .

I'm so glad I do what I do.
It brings healing to families many of them who didn't have hope for a vaginal birth.
Much love to you all

Hope you like my pictures

Update on me

I have now been practicing for 32 years, and still love my passion for Midwifery. I am no longer in New Mexico and am in Oregon. I will hopefully move again withing this year. I am a wanderer in my life and love going new places.

" Feeling Funny "

Ok, I promised more birth stories that I did years ago.

I had a lady who gave birth with me when she was in her late teens. The boyfriend had left her, and her family sure wasn't happy.

I can't remember why she chose a home birth, but she got one.
Her labor wasn't very long and she did great. She had problems with breastfeeding. My friend was a LLL leader and I asked her if this young woman could stay in her downstairs spare room, and tend to her breastfeeding and nurture her. This friend of mine did a wonderful job.

Ok 4 yrs later this young woman got married and was pregnant again. We had another great short birth. But what I noticed as she had more babies is that she really didn't register any pain. I asked he what was going on, and she said she just didn't feel much in her labor.  Hummmm
At several of her births her and husband were living at a ski resort about 50 miles away.
One day she called me and said she thought she was in labor. I drove as fast as I could-fast, but it was very cold (Alaska) and the road was filled with falling boulders of ice and snow.
I finally get there and dad opens the door and said "baby's already here" I had thought he was kidding as dad's often do- but mom was sitting on the floor with a newborn that had just been born. So I missed the birth!
When talking to her she said she really didn't feel anything and wasn't even sure she was in labor all the way through. She just "felt funny". OKKKKK.
The next birth was planned for a summer birth. Because of her feeling funny, we decided to induce her so I would be there. By the way all of her baby's were at least 9 lbs.
That day I came out to her home and started her induction_ very simple with herb or homeopathics. About an hr later, she said "I just felt down there and I think I'm starting to feel a head" So there on the edge of her bed in the small loft in a small log cabin she gave birth to her 10lb baby.
I think I did 5 births for her. She and her husband were sweeties.

Since her birth I have come across several other moms who "just feel funny" . I love them
See you later

An Amazing Breech

Several yrs ago, I had a couple come to me for care. I accepted them, and all of the preg. health was normal. This was their first baby.
About 2 wks before her due date, baby turned breech. Baby wouldn't turn for anything, and I do mean we tried everything. We talked at length about vaginal breeches.
She called me and reported her water bag broke, but no contractions. I gave her the usual cautions for PROM. But about 18 hrs later there was still  no contractions. I went to her house (in another state) and did a vaginal to see what was going on. Baby presented with one set of toes. We again talked. They decided to go ahead with the breech vaginal  birth. We got her labor going, and it didn't take long. She started feeling pushy, but I didn't want her to push until she was complete. Once she got to 10 there were now a foot in her vagina.
I had her sit on the end of the cushions on a love seat. She started pushing with great effort- she had been ready for a bit. One foot pops out. The other knee was presenting. So I gently reached in an got the knee changed to present with the foot.
That legs came quickly out. Mom pushed again, the hips came out. But now I see baby is completely posterior. Not what I want, so I gently turn baby anterior (like butter). The waist with cord present, and I make the usual  lift so that more cord could come out. Baby quickly came to it's nape of neck. And with the position mom was in Baby's head came quickly out when I gently lifted her body upward. All took please within 7 minutes. When baby was completely out, mom reached for her baby. My assistant took a picture with a digital camera. I looked at it later, and the picture was the baby looking at mom and dad
with the biggest smile.
It was perfect.
Not bad for a primip, late 30's posterior footling breech!
what joy !

My Biggest BREECH--- so far

Yrs ago I was attending a mom for her home birth.
First let me tell you about her. She had been my next door neighbor for several yrs. Had heard about me and started her care with me, for the 1st baby. She then canceled and went with a doc and hospital birth. 9lb baby "needed forceps" to get baby out. 2nd preg. Comes back to me, looks good, but then about a month into care stops again, goes to hospital, and has the same type of forceps birth with another big baby.
Ok, the 3rd one she comes to talk to me,wanted my care again. However, this time she apologized for her being a "chicken", and that no matter what she wants me for her home birth. I had to think about it, but did accept her in my care again.
She was less than 5ft tall, and had a short waist- in other words she was ALL baby. Heart tones always sounded good, baby palpated as LOA, with an LOA heart position. goes into labor, she took my Uterine Toner, so she went quite quick..
 Dad reaches down -She's kneeling in front of him- and he feels just inside her and says " Sherri, this doesn't feel like a head down baby"
I think he's joking with me, I check ( I hadn't done any other vag exams yet) and sure enough there's a  butt with dark mec coming out. We get her in a better position- and now pops out a little penis and he pees in my face.
Anyway, long story, we are all laughing cause the 3 of us together are actually having fun.
She's 10 cm and ready to push, baby has been sitting on perineum for a few minutes, but now she pushes, complete breech anterior baby boy comes sliding out as quick and easy as can be.

After mom and dad love on him for awhile, he nurses well, and we switch mom to her bed. She wants to take a shower, and with dad's help she does.
I am sitting on the bed with baby, and I uncover him only to see his little legs jack knifed above his head. Crazy looking, but many breeches will do this for several days. His newborn exam was great. Mom and dad are now in the bedroom, and checking him out more. We laugh about his legs.
I weighed him, (he looked quite large)   9 lbs 14 oz.
Huge breech baby.
Mom did not tear. ( I have never had a breech birth mom tear so far).
 She kept on saying how good she felt. She and dad were amazed at what she had" just done. She  then questioned the "need for forceps before". Now she felt like super woman !

We all wondered why she chose the hospital for the others, but was adamant about having this little guy with me. She was positive I was the one who helped her birth her biggest baby, and a breech ! And that she knew I could do the birth she needed.

A woman knows

I had a woman come to me and wanted my care. she had a very interesting life style.
This was her 7th or 8th baby. She weighed 400lbs, She was homeless somehow living with her alcoholic boyfriend, who was about 30 yrs older than her. Her other children were, well  I'm not sure where they were, possibly with her ex husband.

I'm not sure why I chose her, I prayed about her and her situation and I finally took her. Got her housing and all the other things she needed. While I was uncertain about her children, living situation and this pregnancy, she deserved good non-judgemental care. SO they go settled into a calmer life, safer for her and baby.

We were going over all her preg and upcoming birth information, she told me that all of her placentas came out after 3 hrs postpartum. And that other midwives liked to force things along, they never came out sooner and that it made her mad.
I had put her on my Uterine Toner, knowing she would have a shorter labor, I also thought it would work on her placenta time.
She went into labor, her boyfriend was very helpful, and she had a very nice, short  home birth with a healthy 7lb boy. We talked about her placenta, and as she entered the 2nd hr I was getting a bit nervous.
 I couldn't check her fundus to see if it was rising- letting me know if there's trapped blood behind the placenta -because of her weight. Heck during labor, I couldn't hear the baby because of her weight. I did a bunch of praying, and  had to admit that she knew her body more than I did. At 2hrs and 45 minutes she decided she wanted a shower. She wasn't dizzy or didn't have ringing in her ears when she stood up, so I said ok take a shower but I'm going to be by the door in case something happens.

EXACTLY 3 hours after her birth- the placenta comes out on the shower floor. Intact and healthy looking.

                                                       Another reason to listen to mom.

Previous Birth Trauma

About 12 yrs ago, I had a couple come to me, just to talk. They had 1 previous child that had been born vaginally but it was a "horrible experience and everything that could go wrong with mom and baby did. Baby stayed in the NICU for awhile.
I assured them that it most likely would not re-occur, and how things were dealt with were definitely not going to be happening at a home birth.
They said to give them time, but possibly they would hire me.
A month or so later they did hire me. But there was alot to do in a short amount of time -mainly dealing with her post trauma, because it was affecting her daily. In fact when she would look at her child who was now quite healthy, she would often start crying or get very sad.
She went on the Uterine Toner and was getting a bit excited at being a part of this new upcoming birth.
She called to say she was in labor, and she was coming over to my house so I could check her. She and her husband came in and I did check her. She was 8cm and paper thin already after just starting labor. I should have never told her what her dilation was because now she was getting scared.

She was suppose to go the the birth center, but being that her labor had basically just started, they and I thought it was best to stay at my home for her birth. She was getting almost out of hand with her fear, so we got her in the bath tub. There she started to relax, and now she felt pushy. You could hear it in her voice, but she denied feeling anything. Because of the tub, I felt like we needed to get her out and in a position that she felt good in.
She had already told me that she didn't want to see anything, so we placed her on the floor on her hands and knees. She was pushing although she denied it.
Quickly baby was coming down and when I said to dad, we're going to see the head soon, mom screamed

 "I'm not giving birth your lying to me"


 She continues with this saying, however it is giving her more strength to push. Baby's head is crowning and I tell her I want her to slow down, and just give me little pushes- she screams out that again I'm lying to her and that this baby wasn't coming out. The head is now out and dad is pleased and told mom what was going on.
 She continues to scream at me- "how could you be so mean to me Sherri- I know your just lying to me"
I ask her to part her legs now so I can pass the baby to her. She refuses to so dad came around and caught baby as I pass it to him. She's stunned and we gently got her to it hold her baby.

She kept saying "that's not my baby, and I don't like you".

Finally after gently talking to her, the lights are low, and she finally looks at baby in dad's arms. Then she decides to hold baby again. The whole time she kept  saying "I couldn't have given birth".

Even with all the fighting me and tensing up she didn't tear.

She was shocked for several days, and it was finally on her 2 wk postpartum home visit that she looked at me and said
 "I really did give birth to my baby didn't I" ?
She was so sure that I was lying to her to make her feel better, she was sure that the baby had died or something else happened and I just couldn't tell her the truth. It took her several months just to smile at the thought of giving birth on her own. She finally realized her gift was starting to heal her inside her body,brain and heart.
This my friends is what can happen to a woman when she is so traumatised during her birth, with instruments, with her vagina riped open to her rectum with nameless hands and masked faces, then someone took her baby and she or dad couldn't hold their baby for wks. They were threatened if they didn't do what the docs said to do, that they would be in trouble when they to try to have a voice. She and he felt so raped in every sense of the word.

I'm glad I was  there for this heart tugging birth

Strange birth

When I was in Alaska, a man come into our naturopathic clinic, he made an appointment to talk to the Doc and I. He was from one of the Korean states (within Korea) and told us that his very pregnant wife was flying in and would I "deliver his baby"?  She was due the next day! He paid in cash ( always great) the whole fee. Told us where he and her were going to live. For some reason I took her- she apparently had no medical problems, and even brought her chart and he translated it for us. They had a prev male child who had no complications with his birth. Quick and easy.
The next day he brought her into meet me. She was all of 4'7", she was dressed all in black and in her baggy clothes you couldn't  tell she she was preg. I'm sure that helped when she flew from Korea. She knew no English and I knew no Korean. I had to go buy a translation book ( I now have many of these) so we could possibly talk. However, as I learned later she didn't talk to me at all, and barely looked at me. I did a quick prenatal on her and drew a prenatal profile so at least I would know her blood type/group, anemia, platelets. Baby was head down and LOA,  fht were great. She didn't have a sono in Korea so we didn't know what sex this baby was.
Luckily I lived a few blocks of where they were living and several days later when dad called I went right over, because he gave me very little info. I went to an apt, with no furniture and a thin, thin futon in the middle of a bedroom floor. Apparently there were 9 other people that lived there, but you couldn't even tell there was one person there. The door was left open, so I went to find her.
I found her huddled in the corner with the same clothes she had had on several days before. Every time I went near her, she just glared at me. She wouldn't talk to me.
I found a 17yr old young man in the building who was Korean who agreed to help translate. He sat outside of her door so he couldn't see her and she couldn't see him. She did talk a few words several times to him though. She was mad at me for not giving her something for pain, like her village mountain midwife had with the last child.
I just watched her for signs of pushing, as she showed no signs she was in labor, but every once in a while she would have a flash of discomfort on her face.
Pretty soon she started making the little catch in her voice that signaled she was ready to push. She quickly laid down on this tiny futon in the middle of the room, ( I had kept all of my things out of her room so I wouldn't scare her anymore than she seemed to be) and I grabbed several things I needed and put them in my pocket. She pushed quickly, but you could she she was sweating as she still had all her clothes on. My heart went out to her as I knew she was working as hard as she could. She wouldn't let me listen to the baby to whole time (3 hr labor). But she now motioned to me where a hole in her clothing was. I gently parted her legs and I see a crowning of the biggest shock of black hair I've ever seen. I looked at her and she looked at me and I breathed with her to show her to slow down. Gently the baby came out. Because she had her clothes on, I laid a fresh towel on her belly/breast and placed the baby on her. She didn't put her arms around this new little BOY, she couldn't see what the baby was because there was a short cord. I would nicely grab her hands to put on baby, but she would drop them back to her sides. I'm thinking this is weird, the young man went to call her husband at work, so I don't have any way of communication with her other than pantomime her holding the baby. She just laid there staring at the ceiling. So, I gently rubbed baby and talked to him quietly. It was in the 90's that day so the room was hot to begin with but I finally placed a thin blanket over him. She still acted the same way. I tried to show her she could nurse him, but got the same response at looking at the ceiling.
I did vitals on him and her, they were both just fine. Basically no bleeding for mom. Several hours later her husband came home from his job ( a cook at a Korean restaurant). He got himself straighten and washed to meet her and this baby.
He finally came in and looked under the blanket declared it was a boy, and then she made a big smile and enveloped her baby BOY in her arms and gently talked to him.

She still offered him no breast, but the teenager made the baby a bottle of rice water that she had prepared.

 Odd but what ever.

It was then that I realized that I had no business making a judgement about how a person should react. When I later talked to the teenager he said that in their village that is exactly how things go. Who was I to think she was doing it wrong, It seemed to be what they expected as far as births. The husband thanked me and gave me more money I tried to refuse, but he insisted.

I went back there several times to do postpartum and newborn exams.
She was happy to see me?
She now agreed to use the translation book. When I came in the following day to see her, she had the baby all wrapped up in TONS of blankets in the middle of the floor.

She was however she was breastfeeding her 4 yr old BOY
I later found out that in her village they continued nursing their boy children to an older age,
but they didn't believe that "the baby's milk came in for 4 days".

So she feed the baby the rice water for 4 days, then switched to breast.

I then was asked to do a whole community of Korean families births.

I'm still learning about people

Thanks for reading

Between two midwives

About 4 yrs ago I accepted a primip client/family at 36 wks because her other midwife didn't have enough experience with women who have Lupus (like I have). I had her stop doing all the supplements she was on and greatly lowered the amount of protein she had her on. (high protein can cause over strained kidneys which is bad for our Lupus kidneys).
She felt much better and we proceeded to a hopefully easy birth.
The original midwife (use to be a student of mine) asked if she could still be a part of this moms preg/birth. We all agreed.
However, as time went on the other midwife proved to be unreliable. She couldn't be reached by phone for about 3 wks. So, the mother and I were arranging for my student at the time come for her prenatal and the birth.  When the original midwife when she found out blew a gasket. Claiming I took over and was going to take over the whole case. Well that's why she asked me to take over this case.

Well readers,
The client had to terminate care with the original and become my client so 1. I would get paid my fees as well as I took over her care as I had more experience, and 2. I wanted the mom to follow my instructions so I could help her have a safe birth as I had more experience with lupus women ( Too many cooks!)

The client and husband lost great amount of faith in the other midwife. But they finally said yes she could come but as my assistant.

This mom lived in another state and I would go to her sometimes and the other times she would come to my birth center. Very nice couple, well educated, and they were so eager to see their little boy.
She went into labor and I drove to her home. Checked her and she was about 6cm, 100 % and her uterine contractions were now starting to come stronger. She had taken my Uterine Toner. I called and the other midwife got there quickly.

Mom intended to give birth in the tub, that the other midwife had dropped off.
She got into the tub and birthed and pushed her baby out easily ( in my experience).
Once baby was on the mom's chest the other midwife began to very aggressively bulb syringe the baby. I thought she was going to hit the vagel nerve so I finally said that's enough, leave him alone.

Now this baby who was quietly looking around, is now so stressed he's screaming. He screamed non stop for the next 4 days.
I gave him several homoeopathics that should have worked but didn't. He was so stressed that when I began to do a newborn exam on him I stopped because I couldn't finish.
He looked and acted normal so I did the exam 2 days later. We put him and mommy in a dark room and let them sleep and nurse for 4 days. I came and saw him and her, but he was very stressed still, dad couldn't hold him, no one could touch him without him absolutely scream is heart out. Over load!!!!
He finally started to join the world when he was a bout a wk old, and even then you had to be very gentle and slow and not talk.
Wonderful labor and birth. Mom did great postpartum. But the little boy.. well.
I had aways protected my moms and babies, but this was so strange that I couldn't believe some one would be that aggressive. She still didn't get it. She came and saw the parents and baby about 1 or 2 wks later.
A lesson to be learned is if another midwife is helping at a birth please find out what her agenda is. If you say she's the baby's caregiver make sure your comfortable with what she does. If she doing mom, the same thing goes.
I think she was mad, and or just not paying attention, because I'd never seen her do this before. And please remember that you can do your job right without traumatizing mom or baby.
I'm not blaming her specifically just was surprised.
Cover all your bases.
Yours truly

About ME.

My name is Sherri Holley and I am a CPM ( Certified Professional Midwife)
I am also a traveling midwife offering home birth to families all over the world.

The name of my service is: Last Frontier Midwifery. I owned Last Frontier Midwifery Birth Centers in Anchorage Alaska & Farmington, New Mexico. I practiced Midwifery in Alaska (21 years)and New Mexico for 9 years. I was a Licensed Midwife in both states. I have been traveling for the last 5 years.

I have owned full care women's clinics/birth centers before through out my 34yrs of practice.
I do full  prenatal care, water births,home births, postpartum care with lactation consultation, yearly exams for women offering the thin prep pap testing, Mammacare breast exams, working on hormonal imbalances and menopausal care, often using my intuitive healing methods-allowing me to use most of the alternative methods of healing.

I am a Homeopathic, Herbal, Certified Professional Midwife.
I've "caught" over 3,600 babies.from 4lbs to 14 lbs. twins, breeches of all types.
I have been attending VBAC' since 1979. VBACing women with vertical and classical incisions, and women who had many previous cesareans.

I have been attending water births since 1982, I love them. I also specialize in women who have had previous post birth trauma As well as Teens, Women over 35, and many more such as IVF babies.

 I am Blackfoot and Apache (Father) and Hungarian (Mother) and am heavily influenced by my native culture and how it works with my approach to midwifery and health and my life and how I look at the world and deal with people.
I try to look into the heart of people, rather than look at how their outside looks.

Born right out of Detroit Michigan, moved to Alaska at less than 3 months old,.

I grew up in Alaska. Last Frontier- nothing like it,
  I practiced midwifery in Alaska for 21 yrs. I and 2 other midwives started the Midwives Association of Alaska in 1981-1982. We were one of the only states at that time had self regulations of midwifery.
  However in 1984-1985 Alaska made it illegal for Midwifery so I filed a Class Action suit against the State of Alaska for restraint of trade. I WON for rights of other Midwives to practice in Alaska and for all the Families that wanted midwifery care. Also, many other states have used Alaska's midwifery guidelines/rules/regs and such to formulate their own states midwifery regulations. At that time I was the only midwife practicing full time in Alaska.
  Another midwife and I co-wrote the rules/regulations/bi-laws/ethics in 1985. They were revised again in 1990 and again since then. I have owned 4 different birth centers, having had the very first birth center that had opened in Anchorage, Alaska and openly offered water births. I continued to practice in Alaska until the end of 1999.

  I then moved to Farmington, New Mexico, and opened the first and only birth center in the 4 corners area serving New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Colorado (there had been very limited midwifery care in those areas before).
  I started in a 1000sq. foot clinic for women and later moved to a 6,000 sq foot birth center to serve all the women who found out about my services.

My clinics have served many, many women, for pregnancies, births and well woman care over the years.

When I was still in New Mexico, I received training in Mammacare breast exams  the most comprehensive exam you can get. I focus on women's health care using alternative healing methods I offer not only well women exams, the Mammacare breast exams as well as nutritional healing. Menopausal care is offered as well

Practicing Radical midwife since 1979,in Alaska and New Mexico. Radical because I make my own choices and I encourage you to make yours.

Mother to Shawn and Chase both born @ home in 1979 and 1990. They've been non vaccinated and home schooled and bi-polar and raised vegan. A very courageous act when these things were very unpopular now and then.

I have had Lupus since I was 15.

I try to enjoy life as much as possible,have fun, and not hurt the earth, people or animals.

Hope you enjoy my BLOG, what my thought are (right or wrong- their mine)